ETM Machine APP Cafeteria Incentive Program

  School cafeterias have a history of being too noisy and hard to manage. As early as the 1900’s, school cafeterias were developed to feed the masses at lunch time. The setup for feeding and seating the masses has not changed much in the last century. School cafeterias still serve food through a serving line. Students are still seated family style in order to eat the food. Given that … [Read more...]

Positive Behavior through a Rewards Program

The Undeniable Truth of Positive Behavior through a Reward Program! Educators are always looking for ways to encourage positive behavior. Going to great lengths to spark enthusiasm into the learning process. Creating beautiful charts, dangling paper money or tokens into the equation, and offering gadgets and events as cash in rewards. But is a reward program an effective way to change bad … [Read more...]

Diagnoses Impacting Learning and Behavior

There are 3 different types of diagnoses impacting learning and behavior in children. This post will be exploring sleep deprivation, social anxiety, and scotopic sensitivity syndrome. Recent research has shown that one or more of these diagnoses could have a direct impact on learning and behavior in children of all ages. If you answer “YES” to any of these statements, one or more of the above … [Read more...]